Saturday, February 21, 2009

Before going to the airport!

Possibly the last shower he will have in ten days.......this is going to be a long trip!!!

One of the concerns that we had was not knowing if our backpacks would be small enough to be considered carry-ons. Realizing how much room I had left in my backpack, I thought I might be able to go even smaller, and I could. I was able to pack all my stuff into my red messenger bag. Thanks mom and dad for the Christmas present; in fact thanks for the travel towel and for the liner, because of those I am able to pack all my stuff in your present.

1 comment:

  1. Hey DP! I didn't see any clothes in your packing picture. What are you wearing??? Sorry you missed the top of the volcano, it sounded like and incredible journey.
    Love ya - keep blogging (Italian Dream)
